Welcome to the website of St John Vianney Parish
Kamloops, British Columbia!

We hope that this site provides you with some information on our parish family. Everyone is welcome to visit and participate in our parish life.


Next Mass at the Hamlets will be February 12th at 10:00 am



There will be Mass celebration once a month during January 2025 to April 2025, Mass will be at the Annex at 5:00pm, see dates below

Saturday January 18th

Saturday February 15th

Saturday March 15th

Saturday April 12th

Also, there is Mass every Sunday at 8:30 am at Our Lady of Lourdes, which is located in Hefley Creek, a short distance from Sun Peaks.


Blood of Christ Falling upon the earth in the Agony. Have Mercy on us

Overview of the Month -February 2025

The month of February is dedicated to the Holy Family.

Highlights of the Month

The month of February is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family. Between the events which marked Christmas and the beginning of Christ's public life the Church has seen fit to recall the example of the Holy Family for the emulation of the Christian family. The Feast of the Presentation (February 2) or Candlemas forms a fitting transition from Christmas to Easter. The small Christ-Child is still in His Mother's arms, but already she is offering Him in sacrifice. February 21, Shrove Tuesday, will find us preparing for Ash Wednesday. The middle of the month will find us on Ash Wednesday accepting the ashes that remind us of our mortality and our need for penance.

From Feast to Fast

Though the shortest month of the year, February is rich in Liturgical activity. It contains a feast (Presentation of our Lord) that bridges two other seasons (Christmas and Easter). The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd harkens back to the Christmas mystery of Light except that now, Christ, the helpless babe, is “the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles who will save his people from their sins.” Candles, symbolizing Christ our Light, will be carried in procession this day, as will be the Paschal candle during the Easter Vigil Liturgy. In addition, the faithful may receive in February two of the four major public sacramentals that the Church confers during the liturgical year: blessed candles and the blessing of throats "The Light of Revelation" shines more brightly with each successive Sunday of Ordinary Time, until its magnificence–exposing our sinfulness and need for conversion–propels us into the penitential Season of Lent. We prepare to accept the cross of blessed ashes on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and plunge ourselves into anticipating the major exercises of Lent–fasting, prayer, almsgiving–laying our thoughts and prayers on the heart of our Mother Mary. She, who offered her Son in the temple and on the Cross, will teach us how to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow after her Son. This item 12539 digitally provided courtesy of CatholicCulture.org

Join us in Our Church

Weekday Mass
Tuesday to Friday - 8:00 am (chapel)

Sunday Mass
Every Sunday - 10:30 am

View the Services Schedule


SUNDAY MASS AT SUN PEAKSTime: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
SUNDAY MASS AT SUN PEAKSTime: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

"Saint John Vianney, the patron of parish priests"

Man has a noble task: that of prayer and love. To pray and to love, that is the happiness of man on earth.

Prayer is nothing else than union with God. When the heart is pure and united with God it is consoled and filled with sweetness; it is dazzled by a marvelous light.

In a prayer well made, troubles vanish like snow under the rays of the sun.

St. John Vianney Prayers ›

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